Link of the Day -

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Thursadays Webcomic
Sinfest. This is a good one!

There are 3 main sets of characters. I'll pick a typical strip for each.

Slick and Monique, and two of slicks friends.
She's a slut and proud of it.
Slick wants to be a pimp daddy (and Monique)

God and the Devil, and both their fanboys.
God likes glove puppets.
The Devil has a $$$ for your soul stall.

Pooch & Percival , a dog and cat.
Quite cute and true.

Used to be mostly stand alone one day strips, now the gags tend to run on a story line for a couple of weeks.

And the Calligraphy strips are cool.
- Dave, 10:10 pm :: Comment ::

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Turn a single floppy disk into your own Starship Enterpirse. I am so doing this soon.
I only just noticed this but the domain this is stored on is a bit rude

Another case modder. This guy's PC is housed in a Wooden Plater.
Plants grow on his PC. Neat.
- Dave, 11:14 pm :: Comment ::

Monday, April 07, 2003

Molocules with silly names.
Uranium Oxides = Uranate
Alcoholic Fucose = Fucitol

Although a friend who studys chemistry says that 'sexibenzarsole' is probably not named that, he does add that Copper(Cu) Nitro(N) Tosylate(Ts) has an interesting abreviation.
- Dave, 4:46 pm :: Comment ::


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