"Giant blob baffles marine scientists
The 12-metre-wide remains of a sea creature found by the Chilean navy are puzzling marine scientists, who think it may be a new species."
and while doing bbc news, Dyson is an uphill gardener.
Nice optical illusion.
The 12-metre-wide remains of a sea creature found by the Chilean navy are puzzling marine scientists, who think it may be a new species."
and while doing bbc news, Dyson is an uphill gardener.
Nice optical illusion.
Harry Potter - Simpsons-style, One and Two.
My configurable Snafu clone is open for beta testing.
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My configurable Snafu clone is open for beta testing.
Check your favourite blogs, webcomics and news site for updates.
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If you were worried about giving out your creditcard details online,
{having them dance around to music was probably not on your list of worries though ;) }
then what about in real life?
The Great Credit Card Prank shows how weak credit card security is.
He's scaned a series of recipts he's signed as: "Mariah Carey", "X", Heriogliphics, "Zeus", and a grid of small squares!
My favourite is "I stole this card".
This is why they're introducing: Chip and PINs, fingerprinting, and even aural examintations!
{having them dance around to music was probably not on your list of worries though ;) }
then what about in real life?
The Great Credit Card Prank shows how weak credit card security is.
He's scaned a series of recipts he's signed as: "Mariah Carey", "X", Heriogliphics, "Zeus", and a grid of small squares!
My favourite is "I stole this card".
This is why they're introducing: Chip and PINs, fingerprinting, and even aural examintations!