Link of the Day -

Friday, September 30, 2005

Google maps post Katrina

Things like a stock yard before and after ,or a park before and after.
- Dave, 2:26 pm :: Comment ::

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Clips from a long running Australian series on physics, Why is it so?

Watch as Professor Julius does an electrostatics experiment for no other reason than it is enchanting, and later electrocutes himself on a capacitor. I love science shows.

- Dave, 8:43 am :: Comment ::

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Boing Boing link dump

HOWTO get your faulty UK goods replaced
Vintage sf radio play podcast: Heinlein, Bradbury, Brown, et al
Pocket-sized DIY customizable paper organizer (A4 coming soon)

Not to mention the announcements of the fantastic (free) Sci-Fi of Cory Doctorow.

Podcasts of his work, serializations of a novel in progress, the full text of three novels, and more.
- Dave, 3:35 pm :: Comment ::

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A bunch of Kuro5hin links first.

The Joy of Conkers
Onion story becomes reality
How To Shuffle and Cut a Deck of Cards One-Handed
Confusingly titled meta story

I need to get back in the habit of posting here, rather than sticking things in a lotd folder, until I get around to writing stuff about the links.

In that vein I'll probably start sticking copies of me attepting to learn to draw on here soon. Unless I get a lot of comments saying no :).
- Dave, 1:02 pm :: Comment ::


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