Link of the Day -

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Heard these adverts on the tele last night:

"Cabin Fever - Cat Shit"
"Dick N Dom inda Bungalow - What Shit"

At least I think that's what they said.
- Dave, 11:59 pm :: Comment ::

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Do you want: a site counter, a referrer tracker, to know how many site visitors have javascript; but can't tell which one to use?
The visit the free tracker test site.

- Dave, 4:33 pm :: Comment ::

Tuesday, October 07, 2003 "a center for geek thought since 1994". Learn all you ever wanted to know about vampire bats. Make Mom's Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies. Be insulted by the Elizabethan Curse Generator! Thou dissembling tardy-gaited codpiece!
- Jules, 3:51 pm :: Comment ::

Are your religious beliefs self consistent?
Find out with Battleground God
- Dave, 11:57 am :: Comment ::

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Based on the HaloScan comment fix, seen on Angel's blog, I present my Enetation comments fix.
I recommend you read haloscan fix for more details on how this works.

This will make the comment system work even if the user doens't have javascript or the enetation server is down.

Enter the following code...
<script type="text/javascript">
var nums = new Array();
function myCount(id){
if (nums[id]){
if (nums[id] == 1){
document.write(" (1)");
} else {
document.write("s (" + nums[id] + ")" );
} else {
document.write(" (0)");
...before this line (in the head of the html).
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

And replace the comment code which should look like this...
<noscript><a href="<$BlogItemNumber$>">Comment</a></noscript>
...with something like this.
<a href="<$BlogItemNumber$>" onclick=",'','directories=0,height=450,width=420,location=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0');return false;">
Comment<script type="text/javascript">myCount('<$BlogItemNumber$>'); </script></a>

and replace UserName with your username
- Dave, 4:27 pm :: Comment ::


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